Friday, October 3, 2008


I was reading and I honestly couldn't stand the character of Francis. He is just a jerk and serves no purpose in this book, or on the planet for that matter. " He's ruinin' the family, that's what he's doin'" (Lee 83). In that passage he was talking about Atticus defending the black man. Personally I am glad Scout put him in his place. Even though Uncle Jack does not tell Atticus what Scout said I wish he would have. The more Francis comes up in this book the more I can't stand it. If you have any feelings about him let me know, and if you like him I will be more than happy to enlighten you.


High-Intensity said...

Im glad Scout punched francis too!what a jerk!..

Thunder Fist said...

I personalyl like Francis.
He is a splendid boy that has a very unique character.

thebirdsandthebees10 said...

If you like Francis you obviously have some internal issues.