Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Posting is up to you!

Dear First Hour HEII students:

As intelligent HONORS students you are expected to generate the ideas for this blog. I can certainly interject an idea here and there; for example, how old is Scout anyway? And what in the world does "four years my senior" mean? Seriously, her diction is WAY beyond that of a little girl, but she still talks about getting into fights with her brother and playing games with Dill. But as smart children, I expect that you will have lots to say about what you are reading. I will not provide every idea for you. We will have classroom discussions on some of the days that we are not in the lab.

Question the text, the characters, and the author's style of writing. Ask why! Why is this described a certain way? Why does the author use this POV? Why? Why? Why?!!!!!!!!

That's all for today. Happy Blogging!

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