Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Court Case

Ok, so i think that starting in chapter 19 the book has gotten very intresting. Atticus is providing some great information for his case, and i think Tom's innocent. I don't understand why Dill started to cry during the case? Well it irritates me that Gilmer keeps turing around Atticus's information and facts, but i know that's just his job. I think that it was the girls dad who beat her, not Tom. What do u guys think?


Authority Figure said...

Dill was just upset becuase he didnt like they way Mr.Gilmer was treating Tom, and compared to the fact that Atticus was very courteous towards the witnesses,was very rude even if he was just doing his job. and Dill is an innocent kid who doesnt understand why people discriminate for their color. so he is upset to see it becuase it confuses him.

Better Than You said...

I think you should learn to spell.

And I think Dill might've started to cry because he's a kid, and kids usually feel like everything should be fair, even though it's not. The fact that Mr. Robinson probably won't win is tearing him apart, because in his mind it's not at all fair.

Penny Lane said...

I definatly agree! It was the dad, while drunk, who beat up Mayella. I personally feel sorry for her, having to live with a drunk abusive father and then forced to lie. But, I have no idea why Dill started crying...maybe we will find out later on?

High-Voltage said...

I think it was her dad who beat her up because I'm pretty sure if he didn't then he would have done more to help her than he did. Tom is crippled it would be kinda hard for him to completely hurt her.


Not to be mean, but where have you been all this time. I took you 19 chapters to figure out that the book is interesting.Tom is innocent.If you know that's just his job then why would you even bother to write that part.Once again TOM IS INNOCENT!

High-Intensity said...

yes thank you thats helped, except "better then you"..haha grow up.

Better Than You said...

I don't know, it might just be one of the rules she gave us.

But hey, what do I know?

thebirdsandthebees10 said...

I think she beat up herself. She simple ran outside to do that job she claims Tom was going to do, then cloth lined herself. She then fell and got all bruised up.

thebirdsandthebees10 said...

I think she beat up herself. She simple ran outside to do that job she claims Tom was going to do, then cloth lined herself. She then fell and got all bruised up.

High-Intensity said...

haha funny, and authority figure i didnt say it took me this long to figure out this book was intresting, i said its started to get really intresting in chapter 19, i said nothing about the rest of the book.


I think what thebirdsandthebees10 was trying to say is that she clothes lined herself....they make a relavent point.Clearly that is a good explanation as to all the bruises.

Authority Figure said...

I.never.said.that. READ THE BLOG COMMENTS.


high-intensity have you literary issues, it was not authority figure that wrote that, it was ME!Maybe you should learn to be a bit more thorough with your blogs!

High-Intensity said...

oh, oops. sorry...my bad. but actually thank you u helped me understand it better.i wasnt trying to be rude.:)

High-Intensity said...


Authority Figure said...

you are forgiven, my child. Go in the name of the Lord.

Better Than You said...

Awww, good job! You learn so quickly. It is true, children are like sponges.