Thursday, October 23, 2008


For those of you that havenot finished the book here is the ending.
Mr. Ewell attacks the children visciously and Boo Radley comes out of his house to rescue them. THATS RIGHT: BOO COMES OUT!


Better Than You said...

Why would you even do that? I haven't finished it yet and you freaking ruined it for me.
That was highly inconsiderate and I hope you burn in honors english 2 (H.E.II)

Thunder Fist said...

Well we will have to see how the year goes on to determine if I will burn in it or not. Mrs. Schreffler will be the deciding factor in that.

For the book, you should read ahead and be a person that has a life that completly revolves around the book like I do.

Better Than You said...

Well I'm sorry I have a life and I'm not some stupid little insignificant person who has nothing better to do than read their english novel. Mrs. Schreffler said we just have to read it all by monday, not today. You should know most people aren't ahead.

I just can't believe how rude you are to ruin the book. Now I don't even want to finish because all the surprise is gone. I hate you.

Thunder Fist said...

I said it was a Spoiler right in the title, yo didn't have to read it.

Better Than You said...


Thunder Fist said...

Oooops I guess I accidently hit the button by mistake but you should have enough self cintrol to not read especially if you aren't finished with the book yet. I mean you do not like to read it so why read the blog, particularly on a day we aren't even in the lab.

Who doesn't have a life now?

Better Than You said...

That would still be you without the life. Youre the one who gets their rocks off to ruining other people's fun. Or book.

I'm on on a day we aren't in the lab to see if people (genis sage. grr) have posted on my previous posts.

Thunder Fist said...

Perhaps you shouldn't bully people on the blog if you have a difference in an opinion. If you feel the need to hate me(yours words, you said you hated me) then so be it. The book will just have to suffer to the expense of you feeling it has been ruined for you.

It would make Harper Lee turn over in their grave(if they were dead) if they heard you speak like this.

Better Than You said...

Perhaps you shouldn't ruin the book, Mr. Caps-lock. Now THATS what would make Harper Lee turn over. Hmph!

Penny Lane said...


Cameron Chancey said...

Wow i just dont think that this comment was very approprite!

Cameron Chancey said...


Authority Figure said...

and I dont know if this is in the chapters but TOM ROBINSON GETS SHOT DEAD AT JAIL AFTER HE LOST THE CASE!

Better Than You said...

What comment?

And Tom Robinson getting shot was like right after the trial. I think you should have already read that.

Authority Figure said...

i just wanted an input on this haha.

Genis Sage said...

Wow, someone needs to calm down. All (s)he did was post a spoiler, and it's not like (s)he didn't warn that this was going to be a spoiler. Caps or no caps, if you didn't want the book to have been ruined for you.
Personally, I like spoilers, so kudos to you thunder fist.

Aww, you missed me better than you? Well isn't that nice.

Thunder Fist said...

Thank you SoFreshSoClean it truly is the best blog ever.

Genis Sage said...

My previous comment was directed at better than you by the way...

Thunder Fist said...

Wow Genis Sage I think we could be good friends!

Authority Figure said...

I think we all know who you were talking to Genis Sage. one word: immaturity. dont go looking for fights with Better Than You unless you want a good one.

Better Than You said...

Well I do believe that there are people here who would back me up on this. This is probably the most distressing blog yet, because now I have nothing to look forward to. When our whole job as bloggers is to read other people's posts, it's hard to miss this spoiler when you skim through. Your eyes just shoot to the caps lock.

I missed you because I hate you.


Very well said authority figure.

Penny Lane said...

Here is another spoiler:
After Boo saves the kids, Atticus invites him over to the house where he then proceeds to pull out a gun and shoot Atticus to the ground. Then Culpurnia comes in a saves the day by killing Boo. Then Scout gets scared and kills Culpurnia. Then Jem gets moody and kills Scout. So in the end, no one wins. Except maybe Dill. He's alive.

just kidding.

Genis Sage said...

Well then, the people who would back you up obviously shouldn't have read the post either no? Is it his/her fault if YOU read something which was clearly marked "spoiler"? I think not.

I'm taking that as a compliment.

Better Than You said...

That was just uncalled for.

Authority Figure said...

Genis Sage, go find something of value to do instead of try to make yourself seem intelligent. It's not working.

Better Than You said...

As you should. It's not every day that I long to tear someone limb from limb... oh wait, yes it is.

Are you just ignoring what I say? It's very hard to miss this post. The people who read it obviously had the same problem.


Why must you attack with such anger genis sage or should I say salinas.

Genis Sage said...

Authority figure, just so you know, I'm just overlooking your comments.

Better than you, just cause you see a post, doesn't mean you have to read it. If you're one of those people that doesn't like spoilers, then why read a post titled "SPOILER"? You could have easily scrolled the page up so that the post didn't show, problem solved.

Authority Figure said...




Time Avenged said...

I agree with genis sage and Thunde Fist that you didn't have to read it. Remember the saying "curiosity killed the cat"? That's what happened here, I think.

Better Than You said...

Please, dear friend, let us analyze a few things.
At the time Thunder Fist and I started our conversation it was the top of the page. Which means that I could not scroll up and instead had to scroll down. Therefore, I would have to have gone right past the words. Also I would like to reveal that my computer was slow that day and was not loading the page correctly, so the scrolling capabilities were handicapped.

Authority Figure said...

what Cat was killed?


I agree with authority figure, so PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT.

Genis Sage said...

To authority figure:

Stop trying to act as the mature one, when you're clearly the immature one. Now then, I'm done arguing with you.

Better Than You said...

Blah blah the cat is dead. You know what really killed the cat in this case? This spoiler. Thunderfist might as well've taken a club to its head.

Genis Sage said...

To better than you:

Would you just grow up and get over it already? The spoiler was posted, you read it, it's not thunder fist's fault that you read it. If the page was loading slowly, then you could have easily looked away, or looked at a different topic. So just stop complaining already, grow up, and move on!

Thunder Fist said...

My dear friends, I find great joy in the fights you have over my post. It was the reason I posted it in the first place, to create conflict. Clearly my work here is done.

Genis Sage = My favorite person on the blog. We should be friends. Thank you for standing by my side when everyone else couldn't hear the voice of reason(my voice).

Better Than You = I worthy opponent that conveys a very strong opinion, but I will continue to stand on the only side I find worth standing on, my side.

Everyone else = Thank you for making this blogging experience one I will be able to look back on when I'm old and wrinkled up like a prune(trust me that time is not far off).

Better Than You said...


This whole thing was a joke. I know who I was fighting with and we had this all planned out.

It's just fun to get you all riled up

thebirdsandthebees10 said...

Well I really do not have anything to say, but I want to join the fun.

Genis Sage said...

To better than you:

What, and you think I DIDN'T know who I was arguing with?

Heh heh heh! I know who you are.

Durti Denae-Nea said...

"...burn in honors english 2 (H.E.II)" =PRICLESS!!!